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About KDRC

To become the leading country for dementia treatment and prevention through continuous development of core technologies

Business implementation system

Ministry of Science and ICT Ministry of Health and Welfare Korea Health Industry Development Institute
Director Advisory committee Planning Committee Secretariat
The Cause Identification and Precaution of Occurrence Research
Each detailed research projects
Development of predictive and diagnostic technologies
Each detailed research projects
Development of prevention and treatment techniques
Each detailed research projects
과학기술정보통신부 / 보건복지부 > 한국보건산업진흥원 > 운영위원횡 > 사업단장 > 자문위원회 / 기획위원회 > 사무국 > 원인규명 및 발병기전연구(각 세부연구과제) / 예측 및 진단기술 개발(각 세부연구과제) / 예방 및 치료기술 개발(각 세부연구과제