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About KDRC

To become the leading country for dementia treatment and prevention through continuous development of core technologies

Address: 3F, 95, Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul,Republic of Korea, 03082

Contact : +82-2-3668-7399 email : code@snu.ac.kr

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GPS Search “Seoul National University Yeongeon Campus Hamchun Hall” on navigation
Parking lot information Use nearby parking lots


Hyehwa Station Hyehwa Station → 5 minutes’ walk


Hyehwa Station,
Seoul National University Hospital Entrance
  • Jongno 07, Jongno 08, Jongno12 Buses→ Walk after getting off the bus stop
  • 109, 273, 601, 2112, N16 Buses → Walk after getting off the bus stop